Thursday 21 July 2016

Finding peace in forgiveness

The link below leads to a post a close friend in Australia put up.

Hopefully Kiwis will be able to access the content of The Project, an Australian television programme, because the programme's website says only residents of Australia can access it.

Anyway, I have reshared the amazing comment by this presenter, on my Facebook page and I decided to write a post on this view of tolerance the presenter had about some of the world's scariest happenings right now and how we should react to them.

He's right that with the attacks we've seen lately, we can become caught up in fear, making blanket generalisations about groups of people being banned from areas of the world because of their culture or beliefs, which only achieves marginalising many thousands of good, innocent people who actually make nations better and stronger through contributing valuable things from various cultures.

We do need to Send Forgiveness Viral and try to practice tolerance, even though it often goes across the grain of human nature. My own included.

Hopefully, if this kind of attitude can become the norm instead of the hate being pedalled, even from some leaders in the world, it can only be better for international relations and keeping the lid on those events that are scary.

Thoughts go out to the places that have been under pressure recently and here's hoping the people there can find some kind of peace.