Monday 27 April 2015

Getting rid of the stinking thinking to realise your dreams

Pushing barriers: Motivator Paula Gosney believes we must push past how we feel to complete what we set out to do in life. Photo - LinkedIn and Paula Gosney.

I, like anyone, can be inhibited from going forward with a good idea, by invisible barriers mentioned in this excellent advice from motivation expert Paula Gosney:

I have found the fear of failure in going forward, can be really negative.

It is so easy to get bogged down with the worry about failing and forget about how practicing your craft, eventually gets you to your desired destination in life.

Here's an example of letting the thinking negatise you: During the weekend, Facebook sent me a list of people who had not responded to my connection requests - people I know well in real life, outside Facebook, some of which really surprised me. And hey, that's quite ok.

There could be a number of reasons for their non-response, some of which I believe is more about a problem with Facebook than any problem with my personal and business connections!

Anyway, at the time, what do I immediately think? The stinking thinking starts to kick in doesn't it: You know the kind of thoughts called NUTs - Negative Unhelpful Thoughts, like: 'Nobody likes me', 'what the hell am I trying to do this for?', 'why do I think anybody wants to support me in this'.

The kind of stupid negative thoughts that plague all of us at times!

Then I turn to my blog page, which has just toppled over 1000 views and my Google+ page, which is now up to well over 40,000 views, not to mention the 'reach' numbers some of my posts on Facebook actually get!

Although there are pages with more views, my numbers are pretty good for online places of huge competition to get noticed.

And as a friend nicely reminded me: 'Well, you're not a pop star, you know'! Thanks. Really needed to be reminded of that. LOL.

Seriously, as funny a thought my being a pop star is, I actually appreciated being brought down to earth!

So, I need to just persevere with what I'm good at and stop the negativity and don't worry about some of the not so good things that happen. These happenings keep us grounded.

Do you doubt yourself sometimes?

Let us know, in the comments, what makes you feel doubtful about yourself. Is it people's comments, or your own confidence levels?

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