Tuesday 21 April 2015

Why do some people mistreat animals such as dogs?

Loving dogs: Television dog whisperer Cesar Milan with one of his equally well-known canine charges, pit bull, Daddy. Milan believes dogs behaving well and being well-treated comes down to who owns them, not the type of breed they are.

This story in the link below will break your heart:


I'm not an animal owner at the moment but do love animals and I get disgusted by stories like this. We are supposed to be creatures of reason and that means allowing the good side of our natures to rule our lives. There is no excuse; be it economics (using this hideous method of making a living), power or sport for treating animals like this. This is not what they are for.

Even these breeds, who are called 'fighting dogs', have a probable purpose for hunting but that doesn't mean they should be put in a ring with other like breeds and made to fight it out to the death.

People who have no compunction but to do this to an animal, it makes you cringe to think what they may do to other people and if they are parents, what kind of life do their children have?

In our country, I understand bad, dog owners only have to wait for about five years before their slate is clean and they can start again, owning animals!

I think, once you've been deemed a bad, dog owner then you should be considered to always be a bad owner until you jump through some pretty big hoops to prove yourself to be otherwise, to be perfectly honest!

The animal rights website below gives some very interesting and educational information about breeds used for fighting and why they are used:


The website says Pit Bull and Staffordshire Bull terriers are often considered to be 'nanny dogs' because of their good and gentleness with children.

Well known international dog whisperer Cesar Milan says, the dog fighting issue has, 'nothing to do with the size [of the dog] or the breed, it has to do with who is behind the dog'.

Dog fighting isn't the only mistreatment of animals.

It comes down to people being serious before getting an animal as a pet - that they think about whether that animal will become an important part of the family and be cared for and loved, just like all humans in the group, because getting bored with an animal and giving up caring for it, is not acceptable, as any vet, RSPCA and animal advocacy groups will tell you.

What do you think about dog fighting and mistreatment of animals?

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