Tuesday 28 April 2015

Positive affirmations may determine how we progress

Belief: This affirmation above you can try to beat the loneliness blues. Photo - prolificliving.com 

This website called Prolific Living has an amazing view and some great ideas about how we need to constantly build our mood and our belief in ourselves through positive affirmations. Have a look:


I first came across positive affirmations when I began working freelance as a distributor with a health and nutrition company back in the late 1980s, early 1990s.

I was quite young, and when I first heard about positive affirmations at a sales conference and how they worked, I felt a whole new world had opened up to me.

I had a thirst to drink in this stuff and still do. I still believe that what is fed into our minds is what becomes reality. Because as it has been said; 'where the mind goes, the feet will follow.'

A bit like when my dad was giving me driving tips in my youth - telling me not to concentrate my gaze to the centre line, or the car would follow (or rather the driver of the car). Great tip!

It's like the saying; 'if you think you can't, you won't' but 'if you think you can, you will.'

What Prolific Living points out is, we can have all the love in the world for and from the people around us; our parents, extended family, friends, work colleagues and extended network.

But if our parents for instance, find/found it hard to believe in themselves even though they do their best to fill their child/children with confidence they, themselves don't have, in my experience, we have to find that confidence ourselves and start a 'self-talk' process.

My mother was an accomplished artist (drawer, painter, sketcher) and musician and my father was also a good musician, farmer and had many great things to impart.

But despite their accomplishments, I don't believe either of them believed in themselves. My mum would always play down her abilities and my poor dad struggled with his self-confidence all his life. So it's no wonder I do the same - even now in my latter middle age!

I just want to mention, that they were always encouraging to me and their love was totally unconditional. An only child (and not spoilt)! Not all children can say that, sadly.

Now, getting back to self-talk: I don't mean we go around babbling to ourselves, sounding like the men in white coats need to be called to haul us away to a padded cell!

But it's about what we say to ourselves. The language we use to ourselves, about ourselves.

Things like: 'I'm not good enough to try that.' 'They won't want me, I'm too old,' or 'what makes me think I could do that?'

All of these are negative self-talk statements that are so destructive to self-confidence, mood and even how we progress in life.

Here in the link below is more information about positive affirmations and how they affect the mind and eventually how we act: http://www.successconsciousness.com/index_00000a.htm

Do you struggle with positive thinking? Tell us about it in the comments. Thanks.

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