Sunday 5 April 2015

The joy of a marriage proposal

Sandy proposal: Messages in the sand is just one of many ways men are proposing to their beloveds. Generic photo -

This heartening video below of a young guy giving his girlfriend a surprise marriage proposal in a photo booth is the kind many girls would probably hope for. Click on the link and have a look!

People propose in all sorts of places; on beaches, on the top of tall buildings, on bridges, botanical gardens.

They are all lovely.

But how romantic are men today?

Surveys run by marriage information website Chillisauce has found some interesting facts:

They ask the question, are men popping the question too early?

Of course, men and women might not always be on the same wavelength and it seems some men are peaking too early with when they pop the question.

Almost a quarter of the men surveyed, or around 24 percent think Christmas Eve is the best time to do the proposal deed, whereas 22 percent of women actually want their man to put a ring on it, on Valentine’s Day.

Apparently men are feeling more and more pressure to make the perfect proposal and are spending up large to ensure to make the right impression, according the an article in the above Daily Telegraph article.

An example of thousands of dollars being spent on treats and large quantities of roses as well as organising lavish trips with special events planned and messages of love is not unusual for some men.

The website article said the attention to detail was what women loved, complete with love notes, personalised menus, love songs and photos of the actual proposal, which can be placed on Facebook to announce an engagement.

So it would appear men of today are incredibly romantic!

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