Sunday 17 May 2015

Disability doesn't keep some people down

This man called Paul Smith in the link below is an inspiration to many able-bodied of us. Watch this:

Paul's abilities as an artist are astounding, even in a usual sense. There would be many able-bodied people who would struggle to create anything like what he has in these amazing drawings.

And don't you love the caring, inclusive attitude of the care home workers towards Paul.

What makes some people stay buoyant, despite some of the most life-impeding challenges thrown at them?

Acceptance goes a long way to helping people to live as full, contributing lives as they can, when disability either is there from birth, or strikes some time during a lifetime.

A Queensland MP, Warren Pitt, talks about the need for people with disabilities to not be facing negative attitudes from communities:

This is what he says in a speech called See Beyond Disability, part of the link below:
"Disability touches the lives of many Queenslanders in some way — whether it be directly or through experiences with friends, family, colleagues and members of the community.

"We’ve come a long way as a community over recent decades, however we still have some way to go.

Negative attitudes and stereotypes can be more disabling than impairments themselves and can prevent some people with a disability from fully participating in work and community life. Overcoming the barrier of misconception and prejudice is something we can all aspire to."

Here is some valuable information for people who may be struck by a disability in some way:

Do you have a disability you live with every day?

Tell us about it in the comments. It may help someone else facing the same thing.

Best wishes.


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