Tuesday 5 May 2015

Kiwi limelight dweller survives harrowing challenges

Catch it: Kiwi rugby player Zinzan Brooke in full flight, above centre. Formerly a member of the New Zealand All Blacks. Generic photo - getreading.co.uk

Rugby statesman: Zinzan Brooke has moved on to good things following a harrowing financial struggle. Generic photo - standard.co.uk

I like the attitude of New Zealand former All Black Number 8 Zinzan Brooke and his wife Alison, to their personal financial struggle a few years ago now, and highlighted at the time, in the New Zealand Woman's Weekly article in the link below:

http://www.nzwomansweekly.co.nz/front-page-top-stories/zinzan-and-alison-brooke-we-will-get-our-life-back/?utm_source=Outbrain&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Zinzan and Alison Brooke: We will get our life back?

Some people really have that survival mechanism within and are able to look ahead and visualise better times to come after a difficult experience.

That's what the Brookes' seemed to do, probably with lashings of good old Kiwi 'can do' attitude thrown in!

Why do some people have that amazing ability to see through the hard times to good things in the future?

In this link below, it talks about surviving in an environmental sense but it points out the ability of someone under stress being able to control it or not:


In the case of financial stress, which the Brookes' clearly suffered, in my opinion it is admirable how the couple and their six children managed to see their way clear of destructive stress over their situation and were not too proud to take an option path that many people would have done anything to avoid; the path of bankruptcy.

But they said it was their only option and it would seem that although being famous and living in another country, yet not allowing how things 'looked' to have an impact on their strong family unit, they opted to take the line of least resistance.

I'm sure it would have taken a lot of guts to have taken that path.

Have you had a difficult experience in life that has changed you, or the way you look at things now?

We would love it if you would share your experiences with us or let us know what you think in the comments.


Beating the Odds. BTO.

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